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Advanced Dental Center Blog

You’re never too old for Parma Heights Invisalign

March 1, 2016

Filed under: Orthodontics — advanceddental @ 9:32 pm

Parma Heights InvisalignAdults and teenagers shy away from metal braces. Treatment with Invisalign clear braces in Parma Heights creates new smiles for patients of all ages.

Dr. Vladimir Khramoy and his associate dentist, Dr. Caroline Salib, at Advanced Dental Center dedicate their practice to delivering superior dental care services. Orthodontic correction combines the best in prevention with cosmetic refurbishment, especially when Invisalign clear braces are the choice for Parma Heights teens and adults. This innovative system proves no one is too old for a straight smile! (more…)

Strongsville dental implants replace missing teeth

February 1, 2016

Filed under: Dental Implants — advanceddental @ 8:11 pm

Strongsville dental implants Strongsville dental implants complete gapped smiles. Implant dentist, Dr. Vladimir Khramoy, tells implant candidates how this modern procedure works.

Ill-fitting dentures or gaps from missing teeth compromise smile function and aesthetics. Strongsville dental implants fill those gaps or can even support full or partial dentures, strengthening the jawbone and allowing patients to eat, smile and speak naturally. (more…)

Parma Heights gum disease therapy improves oral health

January 1, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — advanceddental @ 4:59 pm

Parma Heights gum disease therapyParma Heights gum disease therapy restores soft tissues and curtails bone and tooth loss. Read about what gum disease does and how laser treatment works.

Dr. Vladimir Khramoy and his associate, Dr. Caroline Salib, promote healthy teeth and gums through regular dental exams, cleanings and other preventive services. They are concerned about the number of Americans who suffer from gum disease, a preventable and treatable infection of the gum tissue related to poor oral hygiene, heredity and other predisposing factors. (more…)

Strongsville dental implants mimic real teeth

December 1, 2015

Filed under: Dental Implants — advanceddental @ 10:05 pm

Strongsville dental implantsStrongsville dental implants look mimic natural  teeth. The process is comfortable and produces lasting results.

Are you missing one or more teeth or are facing an extraction? Don’t despair because modern restorative dentistry offers lifelike Strongsville dental implants, prosthetic appliances that replace teeth from root to crown. (more…)

Black Friday Blowout!

November 20, 2015

Filed under: Uncategorized — advanceddental @ 8:41 pm


Parma Heights laser dentistry treats problems comfortably

November 11, 2015

Filed under: Uncategorized — advanceddental @ 10:05 pm

Parma Heights laser dentistryParma Heights laser dentistry applies short bursts of focused light to treat dental problems such as cavities, gum disease and cosmetic dental issues.

Dentist are perfecting a great way to treat common dental problems and aesthetic concerns. It’s called laser dentistry. Parma Heights dentists, Dr. Vladimir Khramoy, and his associate Dr. Caroline Salib, employ the Fotana Lightwalker Dental Laser for a variety of hard and soft tissue dental treatments. (more…)

Beautiful Parma Heights dental crowns are completed in just one visit at Advanced Dental Center

October 19, 2015

Filed under: CEREC,Dental crowns,Uncategorized — Tags: , , — advanceddental @ 6:39 pm

Smiling couple with Cerec one visit crowns

Do you wish to repair a deteriorating molar or injured tooth with a crown but dislike the hassle of multiple dental visits, messy impressions and temporaries? Dental crowns in Parma Heights are made beautiful, easy and quick with CEREC technology at Advanced Dental Center.

Are You a Candidate For Dental Implants? Find Out!

September 8, 2015

Filed under: Dental Implants — Tags: , , — advanceddental @ 10:35 pm

Dental implants can fix missing teeth if you’re a candidate.Missing teeth can put a damper in anyone’s smile. It’s an embarrassing thing for many people to deal with and can become a major health issue down the road. How long it takes for diseases to develop, time will only tell. What you should know is that at some point a disease will develop and will cause major problems for the rest of your mouth. You see, the open spaces left by missing teeth aren’t just unfortunate to look at – they can alter the functionality of your smile as well as invite all sorts of harmful bacteria to the exposed area.

We’re here to tell you that you can fix missing teeth for good with dental implants. They’re the cost-effective and comfortable alternative to past missing-teeth treatments like dentures and bridges. When you come to our office in Parma Heights, OH, you’ll be treated to some of the top restorative dentistry services available. Missing teeth are nothing to laugh about, which is why we’re committed to bringing you a smile that’s gorgeous and functions the way it should. We have dental implants Middleburg Heights, Strongsville and other residents can enjoy.

Orthodontic Treatment for Adults Without Metal Braces? Introducing Invisalign, 44130

August 13, 2015

Filed under: Orthodontics — Tags: , , , , , — advanceddental @ 8:54 pm

Invisalign can do what metal braces do in half the timeThe thought of wearing metal braces as an adult can sicken some people. There’s a reason so many kids have them; nobody cares when you’re small and still in grade school. As an adult, people notice things a bit more. If you’re walking around as an adult with metal in your mouth you may be more inclined to hide your smile than show it off. You don’t need to feel any embarrassment. You’re an adult for crying out loud. You’re a big boy/girl and should choose the best orthodontic treatment available minus metal braces. This is no dig on metal braces – they get the job done to perfection. However, because there have been so many complaints with metal braces in the past and now that alternative treatment can get your teeth straight in less than half the time, we figured you’d be interested in something much, much better.

Invisalign is the latest and greatest straightening treatment. Even though it technically isn’t “brand new” treatment, it can make people’s smiles look just the same. It’s become one of the most preferred, if not THE most sought-after, straightening treatments. There’s a lot to love about Invisalign and we’ll arm you with plenty of helpful information regarding this revolutionary treatment. Our office in Parma Heights, OH is proud to offer this state-of-the-art straightening therapy. These are the clear braces Parma Heights residents can get behind!

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