Don’t Be Embarrassed to See Your Dentist
December 22, 2020
Brushing and flossing are crucial to a healthy smile; however, you also need to see your dentist regularly for a cleaning and checkup. The American Dental Association recommends visiting your dentist at least every 6 months for a preventive appointment. Unfortunately, 42% of Americans don’t maintain their semi-annual visits. While there are many reasons people delay getting the care they need, it’s often because they are insecure about their teeth. There isn’t any reason to feel embarrassed at the dentist in Middleburg Heights. You won’t face any judgment from your dental team as they help you achieve the healthy, beautiful smile you deserve.
HMO vs. PPO: Which Dental Insurance Plan Do You Have?
October 31, 2020
Do you know whether you have an HMO or PPO dental insurance plan? Are you even sure what that means? Navigating dental insurance can sometimes be like learning a different language. It can be overwhelming, and without anybody to help guide you through the process, you may lose out on benefits that you didn’t know you had because you weren’t familiar with your plan’s coverage. Read on to learn about the different types of dental insurance in Middleburg Heights and how that impacts what dentist you can see.
(more…)Are Dental Implants Worth the Cost?
September 17, 2020
If you’re missing teeth, you have several different options out there to replace them. But you obviously want the best choice for your smile. Dental implants are a preferred choice by both dentist and patients alike, but they are quite an investment. Are dental implants worth the cost? Read on to see what your dentist has to say about the benefits of dental implant and whether or not they are worth the investment.
(more…)Why Your Dentist Is Covering Their Feet While They Work
May 21, 2020
When talking about ways to stop the spread of COVID-19, people often focus on protective measures for their hands and face. However, a study published by the CDC indicates that the virus can be spread by footwear as well. Your dentist in Parma wants to keep patients safe, so they’ve started covering their shoes with plastic to further slow the spread of the virus. In this blog, you’ll find out why your dentist is taking this precaution and how it will keep you safe at your next appointment.
(more…)How Advanced Dental Center Is Keeping Patients Safe During COVID-19
April 30, 2020
COVID-19 has had a major impact on many businesses, including your dentist in Parma Heights. During the past few months, the team at Advanced Dental Center has had one question on their minds: how can we return to work while protecting our patients from the coronavirus? After weeks of intense research and training, we are proud to be back at work with new procedures in place to keep our patients safe. Our goal continues to be providing patients with excellent, comprehensive dental care in a comfortable environment. What follows are just some of the procedures we’ve implemented to help keep people safe when they come visit us.
(more…)Advanced Laser Therapy: The Key To Defeating Gum Disease
March 30, 2020
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one out of every two adults in the United States suffers from the uncomfortable and drastic effects of gum disease. Fortunately, there’s a way to ease your pain and stop these symptoms in their track with highly advanced periodontal therapy in Parma Heights. Read on to find out the benefits of using laser dentistry to improve your dental health by treating gum disease.
(more…)How Can Gum Disease Impact Your Blood Pressure?
February 29, 2020
According to the Centers for Disease Controls and Prevention, gum disease is one of the top three oral health problems that Americans suffer from. It’s a quickly developing infection that can cause serious permanent damage down the road, but the mouth isn’t the only part of your body that it impacts. According to several studies, gum disease in Parma Heights can also cause high blood pressure when it’s left untreated. Read on below to learn how to spot the signs and what the research says.
(more…)Is Gum Disease Causing Your Breath to Stink?
December 7, 2019
It’s estimated that 1 in 4 people suffer from bad breath at any given moment. Maybe you just ate something with a lot of garlic, or maybe a piece of food has been stuck between your teeth for a long time. While a variety of factors can cause your breath to smell unpleasant, it also could be caused by gum disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, half of the adult population in the United States has gum disease. This health problem causes tender gums and painful chewing; it’s even cited as the leading cause of tooth loss. But before it damages your teeth, gum disease hurts something else: your breath. Find out how an infection in your gums can change the smell of your breath, and what your best options are for treating bad breath in Parma Heights.
(more…)Why Regular Dental Visits Are Important
November 20, 2019
How long has it been since you last had a regular dental visit in Parma Heights? If it has been more than six months, you’re missing out on a whole host of benefits and putting yourself at risk of contracting dental problems like cavities and gum disease. These checkups and cleanings ensure that your teeth and gums are in good condition. Let’s talk about what happens at these appointments, and why they’re so important.
(more…)Do You Suffer From Bad Breath? Here’s How You Can Fix It
September 9, 2019
Picture this: you’re meeting up with someone for the first time in awhile. When you see them, you can’t help but become overwhelmed with excitement and hug them. When you move away and start talking, your breath wafts through the air and hits them, causing them to crinkle their nose and take a step back. Chronic bad breath isn’t just incredibly embarrassing to handle, but it can also result in other oral health consequences. Read on to learn how to clean your tongue safely to restore your minty fresh breath and avoid conversations where people can’t wait to step away from you. (more…)